Performance Figures - Four weeks ending Saturday 22 June. 

Northern Line   Wirral Line
92.0% Charter Standard 92.0%
91.9% Monthly Performance 89.9%
92.4% Annual Performance 89.6%
0 Monthly Void Days 0
0 Annual Void Days 0

We are now measured against the public performance measure (PPM). This is the percentage of trains that cover their full journey length and arrive at their final destination within five minutes of the booked time measured against the planned timetable.

The calculation is more representative of the service customers receive as it now includes all types of service disruption including engineering works.

The Charter Standard is 92% i.e. on both the Northern and Wirral Lines 92 out of every 100 trains must arrive at their destination within five minutes of their booked time, having called at all booked stops throughout the measurement period (28 days).

Semi-fast trains

If Merseyrail services are affected by a disruptive event, it is important that a normal timetable is restored as soon as possible to minimise the effect on passenger’s journeys.
On some occasions Merseyrail trains will run as semi-fast services to help restore a disrupted timetable. This means that trains will run directly between two appointed stations, not stopping at stations in-between.

A semi-fast service is counted as a PPM failure because the train has not stopped at all of it's scheduled stations. 
Careful consideration is always taken when deciding if a service should run as a semi-fast service and services are only altered when the change will benefit the majority of passengers.



We normally run reliable and punctual services. Occasionally things can go wrong. If our service fails to meet Passenger Charter Standards, Merseyrail or Merseytravel will offer full and partial refunds as indicated below.


Single, Return & Weekly Railpass Tickets

If you have a single ticket, the compensation will be equal to the full cost of the ticket. If you have a return ticket, the compensation will be 50% of the cost of the ticket. If you hold a weekly Railpass ticket you will be entitled to a percentage of the cost.


Season & Trio Tickets (valid one month or longer)

If on average, over the duration of our ticket, performance has been between 91.9% and 90% then we will give a refund of 5% of the purchase price of the ticket.

If performance falls below 90% we will give a refund of 10%.


How to Claim

If you have a Railpass please click here for details on how to request compensation.

If you have a paper season ticket, to request compensation please download the Passenger Charter Refund Form here and hand it into any staffed Merseyrail station with the expired Season Ticket attached. Alternatively you can post the form and ticket to:

BR Properties
Rail House
Lord Nelson Street
L1 1JF

For full refund and compensation information please click here.

Void Days 

Where significant disruption occurs on our network, we may, at our discretion, declare a void day. In these circumstances, Monthly and Annual season ticket/railpass holders will receive the equivalent of a days travel in the form of a discount on renewal of their product. No cash alternative is available and the discount is non-transferable. Our website (above) and posters on stations will make it clear to customers when a void day has been declared.