A piglet on a farm.

Tam O'Shanter Urban Farm

Tam O’Shanter Urban Farm is home to a variety of farm animals including sheep, goats, pigs, chickens and geese.

The farm is run by the Tam O’Shanter Cottage Urban Farm Trust and with the support from the Parks and Open Spaces department of Wirral Borough Council the Trust maintains the farm with grants, donations fund raising and the support of many volunteers. The farm aims to encourage visitors and volunteers to learn about farm animals and endeavor to keep rare breeds of farm animals in good condition e.g. free-range pigs and poultry.

Situated on Bidston Hill, the Tam O’Shanter Farm is an enjoyable and educational experience for children and adults alike. The farm is admission free and is open every day from 9.30am – 4.30pm.

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Nearest station: Birkenhead North

Birkenhead North station is a short walk away from the farm.

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